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Will I know when I'm in labour?

I recently conducted a straw poll among my girlfriends, asking, “Did you know when you were in labour?” Undoubtedly, the answer was 100% yes. These women had all experienced an array of labour and birth experiences; however, two things they categorically agreed on were that ‘Yes, I knew when it was ‘real’ labour’ and, secondly, ‘The baby does come out at some point’. You’re not aloneWhen doing my usual research on content, I decided to ask Google how common the phrase ‘W...

August 8, 2024

Can babies really breathe under water?

With all the water currently around Canterbury and the South Island, it seemed timely to talk about water birth. What is a water birth?Water birth is the process of birthing your baby in water. Generally, this is done in a birthing pool that looks like a giant spa bath (without the jets) or a deep ‘paddling pool’ (if birthing at home)—and yes, you can have a water birth at home! The pool water is kept at around the 37-degree mark, which is especially important close to the birth....

June 21, 2024 Posts 1-2 of 2 | Page

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